This faculty learning community provides an opportunity for pre-tenure faculty across disciplines to work with a cohort of their peers in developing a scholarly approach to teaching. Through the Teacher-Scholar FLC faculty incorporate ideas from the research on learning, innovative pedagogies, and effective teaching practices into a personal teaching philosophy and plan. Participants spend the year discussing pertinent research on evidence-based teaching, exploring ideas in their own practice, planning ways to assess and evaluate the results of their efforts, and creating strategies to balance scholarly teaching with the other demands of the faculty role at a research university. Along the way, each participant develops (or revises) a statement of teaching philosophy and begins to build a teaching portfolio for use in tenure and promotion decisions and professional growth.
Dena Aufseeser (Geography & Environmental Science)
Jian Chen (Computer Science & Electrical Engineering)
Erin Green (Biology)
Carlos Romero-Talamas (Mechanical Engineering)
Shuyan Sun (Psychology)
Jamie Trevitt (Sociology & Anthropology)
Linda Hodges, Facilitator (Faculty Development Center)
Samples of Work:
Teacher Scholar-Final FLC Presentation