UMBC Adjunct Policies and Procedures

UMBC has policies and procedures for adjunct faculty. These procedures can be found here (PDF) on the Provost’s website.

This PDF includes information about:

  • Notification of Teaching Assignments and Course Cancellation Policy
  • Grievance and Termination Practices
  • Annual Evaluations of Adjunct Faculty
  • Shared Governance
  • Promotion Procedures

In addition, the University System of Maryland has adopted a Meet and Confer process through which groups of adjunct faculty can choose an outside organization to represent them in discussions with administration about employment issues.

UMBC has three ranks for adjunct faculty: Adjunct I, Adjunct II, and Adjunct III. The link above will be updated as soon as an updated version of the procedures is available.

Adjunct faculty are encouraged to find out more about their rights and responsibilities at UMBC.

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