Competency-Based Education FLC

This FLC met during AY 2015-16 and focused on the movement to make achievement of student learning outcomes, rather than course completion, the hallmark of a college education. The group explored various models of CBE currently in use across the globe, discussed their advantages and disadvantages, and considered ways to incorporate elements of this approach into their existing programs. Participants investigated the requirements of relevant accrediting agencies, constructed or analyzed meaningful and measureable competencies in their disciplines, and designed ways to measure student attainment of them.


Nancy Kusmaul, Facilitator (Social Work)
Sarah Leupen (Biological Sciences)
Maria Manni (Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication)
Kal Nanes (Mathematics & Statistics)
Eileen O’Brien (Psychology)
Karen Watkins-Lewis (Psychology)

Samples of work:

Competency Based Education-Final FLC Presentation

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