
Pedagogy is the word we use to describe the study of teaching as both an art and a science. Below you will find links to some common pedagogical topics and areas of concern for instructors.


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a growing area of study to which faculty in all disciplines have contributed. In SoTL, scholars who care about teaching offer suggestions for helping students learn based on personal experience, experimental studies, cognitive science, and a wide range of theoretical discourses.

Many of the ideas in the Pedagogy pages of this handbook are taken from SoTL and address some of the more pressing concerns of UMBC faculty:

These topics are by no means exhaustive. If you have a particular concern or would just like to talk about teaching, please contact the FDC. We would be happy to schedule a consultation for you. We also have a lending library. SoTL scholarship is written succinctly and accessibly. Come browse our shelves or ask for a recommendation!

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