Teaching Sustainability & Climate Change FLC

How do we prepare informed students for living in a world with climate substantially altered by human action? How can we build the capacity of students to act so that those disruptions do not become catastrophic?  Some UMBC classes already address these questions, but usually within department or disciplinary silos.

This learning community brought together faculty from across campus during AY 2017-18 to share disciplinary approaches for teaching these topics and to foster communication among faculty and across disciplinary boundaries. Faculty discussed effective pedagogical strategies for building student awareness of the causes and impacts of climate change, and to develop their ability to contribute to sustainable mitigation and adaptation responses. They also explored the potential for a coordinated, interdisciplinary sustainability curriculum across campus.


Matt Baker, Facilitator (Geography & Environmental Systems)
Dawn Biehler (Geography & Environmental Systems)
Brian Grodsky (Political Science)
Jason Loviglio (Media & Communication Studies)
Elaine MacDougall (English & Learning Resources Center)
Andy Miller (Geography & Environmental Systems)
Roy Meyers, Facilitator (Political Science)
Anna Rubin (Music)
Ali Tokay (Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology)
Christopher Tong (Modern Languages, Linguistics, & Intercultural Communication)
Alan Yeakley (Geography & Environmental Systems)

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