ePortfolios: A Promising High-Impact Practice √ §
Panelists will share takeaways from the AAC&U January Forum
Date & Time
March 29, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
ePortfolios: A Promising (and Challenging) High-Impact
What if we had a way to support students to articulate their learning and integrate it across all their coursework and co-curricular experiences? What if students could reflect on this learning and synthesize it with their personal values and goals? What if they could then communicate all of this electronically - to us, their peers, future employers, and virtually anyone in the world - in ways that help them to make an impact? Proponents claim that ePortfolios can be just such a tool. In this session, UMBC faculty and staff who attended AAC&U’s Forum on ePortfolios in January 2023 will share their takeaways and invite the audience to explore some of the promises and challenges of ePortfolio adoption at UMBC. Faculty and staff who use ePortfolios or reflective thinking as a learning strategy are encouraged to attend and share their experiences. Panelists include Kerrie Kephart (FDC), Andrea Kleinsmith (Information Systems), Peggy Re (Provost’s Office and Visual Arts), and Maria Sanchez (Engineering and Computing Education Program).
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√ Counts toward the ALIT Certificate
§ Counts toward the INNOVATE Certificate
§ Counts toward the INNOVATE Certificate
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