Learning assessment begins with the UMBC Mission and Vision, which the General Education Functional Competencies operationalize in five learning outcomes. The General Education Program introduces students to college-level learning in the competencies, which reappear in disciplinary-specific contexts in each program.

The 2009 UMBC Assessment Plan aligns institutional assessment with each college, school, and program; General Education; academic support units; and administrative divisions. The Provost leads learning assessment at the institutional level supported by The Assessment Committee. Vice Presidents and Deans synthesize learning assessment processes in their divisions or academic units, and faculty and instructors measure learning at the course and program level. A repository of assessment plans, including student learning outcomes is available on the Blackboard Academic Program Review (APR) site. UMBC ensures ongoing improvement of student learning through continuity mechanisms, tools and practices that embed assessment in everyday work.
An Applied Learning Group collaborated to develop and test Affective Functional Competencies, which many faculty have since used to more effectively align their affective and psychomotor learning efforts. However, these have not been approved by the full faculty.
Additionally, UMBC supports learning assessment through Faculty Development Center programs, which include workshops, consultations, and professional development for teaching, learning, and assessment. Contact us to find out how we can support student learning in your program.
Text and graphics created by Jennifer M. Harrison, Ph.D.